Welcome to Mistylaw Medical Practice
Our practice is split site with our main practice in Lochwinnoch and our branch surgery in Beith. Our practice consists of 4 GP’s, an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, a Practice Nurse, and an administrative team.
We have a number of Allied Health professionals that work within the practice including:
- Community Pharmacist
- Community Physiotherapist
- Community Link Worker
- Community Phlebotomist
We have close links with the district nurses and health visitors attached to the practice.
We provide a mixture of telephone and face to face appointments bookable on the day from 8am. We also provide advanced booking appointments. To book an appointment please contact the surgery.
Prescriptions- Please order at least 48 hours in advance
There are various methods for ordering your prescriptions:
- Email- Email your name, address, date of birth and items required with strength and dosage to ggc.gp87432prescriptions@nhs.scot
- EMIS access- to register please visit the surgery with photographic ID to request a log in
- Voicemail- please call the surgery and select option 3 to leave a voice message. Please speak clearly leaving your name, date of birth and items required with strength and dosage.
- Post Box- we have a post box on the surgery gates at Lochwinnoch and a post box on the door at Beith.
Signposting- Right Care Right Person
Our trained team will ask some information to direct you to the most appropriate healthcare professional. If your problem is of a personal nature, please explain this to the receptionist.

(Site updated 13/03/2025)
For appointments and prescriptions please use the
Online Services link above. Alternatively, just click